Just By the Way
Just By the Way is as casual a title as are the photographs of the latest Rahgu Rai show concluded at the Jehangir Nicholson Art gallery. Sometimes famous artists pull out
Just By the Way is as casual a title as are the photographs of the latest Rahgu Rai show concluded at the Jehangir Nicholson Art gallery. Sometimes famous artists pull out
Photography is certainly coming of age and art in India, in recent weeks there has been a spate of high caliber fine art shows, Dress Circle, a black and white
It might be easy to quickly dismiss India Poems, an exhibition of photographs and a simultaneous book release by Waswo x Waswo as pictorial, post colonial romantic imagery but the
BANGKOK An orchid wafts over two oceans and drops onto an asphalt floor. Spores disseminate and are carried in a peristaltic motion of omnibuses radially over Siam. A repressed spore
Peshal I write this form a place 100 kilometers from Nasik city and two kilometers from the Gujarat border. Surganna is in the famous Dang teak and bamboo forests. I
Paris Dhurries in the shop window read ‘Kismet at reduced rates.’ In the Algerian marketplace the little people are rummaging the left-overs. The punk has her hair and elders shocked
Feminism, the bad good word of the 60’s, is symbolized in the burning of bras, mythic or otherwise. Bra burning was considered a protest against the Miss America pageants, just
The timing has never been better for photographers who want to explore the creative world of fine art photography. The market is in a nascent stage but if art is
Sheetal Gattani’s paintings at first make you wonder where the painting is. They are subdued, reticent, squares of texture in the true abstract mold. When the figurative moved to the