Tits, Clits n Elephant Dicks might seem like a controversial title to an art exhibition, that it survived 8 days without event might have driven Sanjeev Kandekar and his simulacrum
Tits, Clits n Elephant Dicks might seem like a controversial title to an art exhibition, that it survived 8 days without event might have driven Sanjeev Kandekar and his simulacrum
When is a table lamp not a table lamp or a squirrel not a rodent? When does a handkerchief become a cat, Schrödinger notwithstanding? When is the Truth a half-truth?
BUZZ And such a stock of custardapples. And so many thoughts of you. And hoping that the season holds till Diwali. And hopefully I will bring some home. And the
TQ When corporate MTV with its hard-bitten bottom line wanted to Indianise the channel what exactly did we get, some very exciting, clever, creative and cool promos that show we
Numerologists must be laughing all the way to the counter. After SMS has truncated and de-grammerised the way people communicate, language has become a series of numerals and disturbingly Americanized,
The Photograph : Painted, Posed and of the moment, an exhibition currently on at the NGMA is perhaps the most significant piece of photography to manifest itself all in one
Life is sometimes so preoccupied with imitating art that the obvious, taken for granted, lowly truths go unnoticed. Until the cobwebs of time and disuse hide them forever like sand
Most futurologists generally will consult paleontologists. To know where we might go it would be worthy to note where we came from. Photography as we know it is the one
A suite of photographs simultaneously spread across two galleries in south Mumbai itself induces many questions. Are these two shows or is it one show divided or is it many